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Thursday, May 19, 2011

My one month Latisse check-in

Hey there, lovelies! If you're a regular follower of this blog, you already know that I started using the eyelash growth treatment Latisse one month ago. (If you're new to Prettied Up, welcome!)

For the past four weeks, I have been diligently brushing one drop of Latisse along my upper lash lines every night before bed, as instructed. Check out my results so far:
Overall, I have noticed a slight increase in the length and thickness of my lashes. Though I only apply Latisse to the top row of lashes, I have seen a difference on the bottom row as well.
I am happy with the results so far, but I know the real changes are yet to come. Latisse is supposed to work gradually over a 16-week period, so I still have a while to go before achieving the full effects. Here's hoping by my birthday in July I'll have incredibly long, thick lashes. *fingers crossed*

Also, I should note that I have not experienced any adverse side affects from using Latisse.


  1. When did you start this Latisse procedure? Your cute eyelashes match your brown eyes perfectly! Have you tried to do this together with someone, like friends or colleagues? It must be a good bonding experience to do that! It’ll be more fun to go through that if you have a friend to share the experience with you.

  2. Just make sure that you get them from a reliable manufacturer to avoid any regret in the end.

  3. Latisse may be armed with all the necessary ingredients for optimal results, but safety always trumps effectiveness, doesn’t it?

  4. Long eyelashes have long been considered an aesthetic asset by society, dating as far back as ancient Egypt. In fact, even then, people have found ways to enhance their eye lashes. Your eyelashes actually look good on you! The new look is actually working, making your eyes more beautiful.

  5. you get amazing result on your eyelash within 4 weeks and am sure that it get better in next few weeks Liposuction Los Angeles

  6. Judging by from the photos, your eyelashes have become more visible and appealing. :) But anyway, it's been 1 year since then, I wonder how your eyelashes look now? Have you encountered any itching and redness while on the treatment?

  7. Hmm... seems a really great product. I think that I will follow the Latisse treatment by Dr. Edelstein. I also want to have longer, thicker eyelashes and I'm sure that I will have with the help of this. I can't wait until then and I'm glad that a product like this exist.

  8. It def does what it says. I use the generic version that you can get here and its not so pricey - works great for me.

  9. Yes it is 100% true, original latisse show you result in the first month and you will the difference soon, but it takes around 4 months or so to complete the process.

  10. Careprost is developed for the treatment of glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disease which causes intraocular pressure on eye. Careprost is a solution that makes eyelashes Darker, longer and thicker. online Careprost
