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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I started using Latisse! Here are my results after one week.

If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that I started using Latisse one week ago. It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing, really. My mom told me that a few of her friends use Latisse and have the most amazing eyelashes. Being the beauty-obsessed person I am, I had to try it.

If you're not familiar with Latisse, it's a prescription cosmetic treatment used to grow lashes fuller, longer and darker. Before I get into all the nitty gritty details about the product, let's get right to the good stuff. Here are my results after one week of using Latisse:
As you can see, there hasn't been much of a change at all. It's only been one week though, and my eye doctor said I probably won't start to see results until after two.

Essential info

If you're interested in using Latisse you'll need to obtain a prescription from a doctor. The prescription is quite pricey -- it cost me about $125 to get it filled.

The solution comes in a tiny eyedropper bottle, and is applied with a small brush along the upper lashline. One bottle of Latisse is packaged with 60 brush applicators, and you're supposed to apply the solution before bed, using one applicator per eye.

To give you a little history lesson, Litisse actually started out as a medicine called Lumigan used to treat the eye condition glaucoma. As a glaucoma medicine, Lumigan is applied directly into the eye like an eyedrop. Patients using Lumigan noticed that their eyelashes grew super long. The company that manufactures the drug simply re-packaged the same solution under a new name and billed it as a "treatment" for inadequate lashes.

Possible side effects

It should be noted that Latisse has some possible side effects, including a darkening around the eye area where the solution is applied, irritation, redness and itching. The worst potential side effect, though, is that Latisse may cause increased brown pigmentation in the colored part of the eye and essentially permanently turn blue or light colored eyes brown. According to the company that makes Latisse, this has only happened when the solution was applied directly into the eye.

Since I have brown eyes anyway, that's not much of a concern for me. Also, I have not experienced any itching, darkening of the skin or any other negative side effects from using Latisse.

Of course, those considering Latisse should certainly consider the possible side effects and speak to a doctor about the risks.

Anyway, I'm super excited to be using it and hoping to see some dramatic differences soon. Every morning I run to the mirror hoping for a miracle! Keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you posted.


  1. it is still highly important that you take extra care in choosing the product that you will be using on your eyelashes. A lot of them have been discovered to contain substances which can bring about some allergic effects.

  2. Kinda amazing how the manufacturers just stumbled into Latisse, no? Kinda makes you wonder how the treatment could be developed further. Anyway, it's very subtle, but after the second week or so the results would be there for you to enjoy.

  3. Latisse is one of the eyelash growth products that are gaining a lot of attention these days.

  4. Well, you only need to be patient to see the results. :) People have different hair growth rates; some are fast and some are not. Anyway, your eye doctor said the results will probably show after two weeks, right? I hope you also post photos of the developments in your eyelashes. Good luck!

    -Terry Bayer

  5. Wow! It's really a great product. I will try this Latisse in Toronto treatment, because my eyelashes are too thick and small.
    From what it seen, it's something with good results and my eyelashes really need a treatment. I can't wait to start it! :D

  6. Latisse is amazing product. Latisse eyelash enhancer is really effective for gaining longer and healthier eyelashes. Keep sharing this type of blog.
