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Thursday, December 9, 2010

A word to the wise....

Don't be like me a wrap the electrical cord around your flat iron while it's still hot. Or, you could end up with this problem...
And your flat iron will be...
Just a quick safety reminder for you all! Seems pretty obvious but it's an easy mistake, especially if you're rushing in the morning.

My boyfriend says it can be fixed with electrical tape but warned me not to use it until I put the tape on. Or else I could shock myself, which would definitely not be good. Maybe it's just time for a new flat iron...


  1. omgsh that is very very dangerous!
    BE CAREFUL ><!!

  2. Oh no! :( i hate when things like this happens. Are you going to buy some new ones or try and fix yours? x

  3. @Steph I think I'm just going to get a new one. But I don't really use the flat iron that much so I might hold off for a while.
