Pretty pages


Name: Angela Moscaritolo

Location: New York City

Occupation: Magazine reporter, beauty writer and blogger

For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with hair and makeup. As a kid, my mom's job as a Mary Kay sales consultant gave me access to seemingly endless amounts of beauty products to play around with. Throughout my teenage years, I spent a great deal of time in front of the mirror experimenting with different looks. 

All this experimentation lead to more than a few disastrous beauty situations. The night before my first day of high school, for example, I tried to dye my hair platinum blonde but it came out florescent orange at the roots and white as paper at the ends. I'm not even going to try to describe the meltdown that ensued.

But over the years, I've also learned a lot about what works. And I'm still on a constant search for the latest and greatest beauty products, tips and trends. This blog is my way of sharing my passion for beauty with you, dear readers.

As one of the greatest makeup artists of all time, Kevyn Aucoin wrote in his book Making Faces, "Watching movies, looking at magazines, and checking out people on the street help to form my ever-changing ideas on beauty. I always try to stay open to the endless combinations and boundless possibilities. It seems once you think you know it all or develop a rigid philosophy, you stop growing and learning."

I couldn't have said it any better.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, I can be reached at amoscari (at) gmail (dot) com.